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Meera Malhotra

MSc, BSc, DipION, mBANT Nutritional Therapist

Applying the latest and best scientific evidence across neuroscience, psychology and nutrition, I help clients, employees and companies find diet and lifestyle solutions to support and protect against symptoms of stress, burn out, anxiety, depression and poor sleep. Through this, you can expect emotional balance and improved mental performance and resilience so that you, and those you help look after, are feeling and working at your best. 

Areas of Expertise

Personalised, evidenced-based diet and lifestyle advice for:
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stress and Burn-Out
  • Sleep
  • Memory 
  • Focus
  • Mental Performance and Resilience

My Approach

I have a non-judgemental, positive, supportive approach to empower you, your employees and clients to build healthy dietary and lifestyle habits that can go a long way towards helping relieve symptoms of anxiety, stress and burn-out, depression and low mood, poor sleep and in turn, boost your mental performance and sense of resilience. 

Eating well and looking after yourself needn't be really unenjoyable. Together, we find the balance that works for you. 

Everything I do and practice is based in the latest and best scientific evidence across the fields of neuroscience, psychology and nutrition, personalised to you and your needs. 


I provide the latest and best dietary and lifestyle advice and support through:
  • One-to-one consultations (currently online)
  • Telephone and email support between consultations
  • Lectures and workshops
  • Business consultancy for product and content development and strategy 

Contact Me

If you'd like to understand more about how I work, know more about me my approach, or how I can help you, please feel free to get in touch and we can talk this through in an no-obligation Clarity Call. I am available via email too, or you can find me on Instagram. 

Tel: +447753 148201

Instagram: @balancedmenutrition

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